The Giambiagi Winter School is organized by the Physics Department at the School of Exact and Natural Sciences of the University of Buenos Aires, Argentina. Each year, the School is devoted to a different topic, and its main purpose is to offer graduate students and young researchers an up-to-date perspective given by world-recognized experts, in a relaxed working atmosphere promoting interaction and fostering future collaborations. The School consists of a series of lectures and a small workshop on recent results, with posters and short seminars. The official language of the Winter School is English.
The present edition of the School is devoted to practical applications of Computational Fluid Dynamics, with a special focus on industrial applications, atmospheric sciences, and biology. The growth of supercomputers and the development of powerful parallel numerical methods in the last decades led to exciting changes in the field. Laminar and turbulent flows, which are ubiquitous in nature and in industrial problems, can now be modeled and studied to great extents. However, great challenges remain including the modeling of small scale turbulence, of domains with complex geometries, and of multi-scale and multi-physics flows. Although similar problems arise in different research areas, in many cases solutions are developed independently with little cross-breeding between these areas. The School aims at creating an interdisciplinary atmosphere to encourage cross-disciplinary studies and the free exchange of ideas between students and researchers. Students, postdocs, and researchers from a broad variety of fields are welcomed.
This year the School will be held from July 31st to August 4th at the main lecture hall of Pabellon de Industrias, Ciudad Universitaria, Buenos Aires. Attendance to the School is free after registration: there is no registration fee to attend to the School or its related activities. A few travel grants will be also available for early career scientists and students from the region to attend the activity.